1) Simply install Squirts installer of the version your after to a folder that can hold all 5 disks: http://www.squirtthecat.com/games/phantasmagoria_2/
2) Extract each CD to the same folder you installed to with new subdirs of Disk1, Disk2, Disk3, Disk4, Disk5
3) Edit Resource.WIN to have the change of 5 drive letters: "CD:=M:\;N:\;O:\;Q:\;R:\" instead of just the one letter.
4) Make a "RunMe.cmd" in the same folder with the following:
Code: Select all
@echo off
subst M: %~dp0Disk1
subst N: %~dp0Disk2
subst O: %~dp0Disk3
subst P: %~dp0Disk4
subst Q: %~dp0Disk5
subst M: /D
subst N: /D
subst O: /D
subst P: /D
subst Q: /D
To start the game simply use the RunMe.cmd and the game should work fine without needing you to do a single disk change and allows saving and loading your game.
This has been tested in Windows 10 RS1 as working and the same trick will use for any other multi disk games if it is only looking for files and not doing any Copy Protection checks. Please let me know if you use this, I really don't want to think I wasted 6 hours of time figuring this out only for myself